
K9 C.A.R.E.
"The DogSwimmer"
Indoor Salt Water Pool for Dogs
est. 2004
Beau and Sadie
One swim session at K9 C.A.R.E. is all about your dog. From the time you walk through the door and out again, your dog is the center of attention. Sadie a 9 year old Beagle with tail wagging visits Bill for exercise and love. Beau, our five year old Golden Retriever visits for post operative ACL rehabilitation.
It takes us an hour to arrive at K9 C.A.R.E. As we turn into the home stretch, both Sadie and Beau become very excited. They leave with smiles, a special treat from Bill, and a sense of a job well done.As dog lovers the hour trip is well worth the journey. Bill, an expert dog handler, has created a swim center that is both dog and people oriented.
Sadie has developed muscle definition and is fit and trim. Beau, always having his eyes on the ball, is working on muscle definition, joint flexibility and strength. We believe Beau's progression is due to Bill's guided swimming and Beau's desire to achieve.

We urge you to give Bill & Jill a call and schedule your dog to swim at K9 C.A.R.E.
We believe you will be impressed and will also leave with your tail wagging and a smile on your face.
Sadie, Beau, Sharon and Doug